FIC Day 2
Leadership & Major Gifts
About Day 2
Day 2 is all about leadership & relationships in big philanthropy. All NanoTalks are 6, 12 or 18min long - just like TED Talks, with around 30min at the end of each NanoWave for a live Q&A.
Day 2 Target Audience
Trustees, Directors, Relationship Managers - Major Gift & Corporate Fundraising, Risk Managers, any leadership based roles (UK, Europe, US & beyond)
Quick Glance > NanoWave Agendas Below
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Day 2 - Leadership & Major Gifts
Thursday 4th March 2021
10:00am - 10:30am GMT
Welcome & ‘State of the Sector’ Report
by Jason Briggs & Jonathan Jeffery, Co-Founders of PyroTalks CIC - bios
& Yashraj Jain, Director at The Research Concierge - bio
Join Co-Founders of PyroTalks CIC for a quick overview of the conference, its design & purpose. Then delve deeply into the ‘State of the Sector’ with a swift day specific purpose built report crafted by Yashraj Jain, who is renowned for his report building abilities having spearheaded the influential Ross CASE Survey + more!
Then Choose NanoWaves as You Like
Track 2 - Major Gifts
Track 1 - Leadership
10:50am - 12:30pm GMT
Choose one
NanoWave 1.1 - Gift Acceptance
We will explore our legal duties, assess risk realistically, learn how to manage any conflicts of interest, and understand the psychology that affects our decision-making. Throughout, we will focus not just on the final delivery of gift or sponsorship agreements with their associated benefits, but also on the critical steps we have to take before actually asking a prospect for support. Finally, a charity CEO will share the real issues that face him when he accepts gifts, encouraging us to reflect on and enhance the procedures we already have in place or which we need to set up.
Chair - Martin Kaufman, Principal, Martin Kaufman Philanthropy - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Recap: Our Duties - Protecting Charities from Harm (12min) - Niveditha Shanmuganathan, Public Relations Manager, PyroTalks CIC
NanoTalk 2 - Being Realistic - Modelling Risk in Your Organisation (12min), by Hersh Shah, SIRM, CEO, India Affiliate of Institute of Risk Management (UK) - bio
NanoTalk 3 - Essence of Gift Acceptance in Philanthropy (12min), by Sacha Tremain, Prospect Researcher, London Air Ambulance - bio
NanoTalk 4 - Mind, Matter, Morals – What Influences our Decisions? (18min), by Lara Kirfel, Experimental Psychology, UCL - bio
NanoTalk 5 - Accepting Major Gifts - Deliberations of CEO (12min), by Robert Dufton, CEO, Moorfields Eye Charity - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers
NanoWave 2.1 - Giving Insight
As fundraisers we work within a financial paradigm not always directly accessible to ourselves. This NanoWave explores key areas of this world to help boost our understanding of senior giving. This section is joined by a leading panel of experts all working in their respective fields. It will give the fundraisers significant insights into how endowments, wealth management, impact investing and philanthropy advisory works - all to boost the development of those important philanthropic relationships.
Chair - Helen Carey, Senior Development Executive - North America, The University of Birmingham - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Not-for-Profit Sustainability - A View from an Accountant (12min) - Dawn Morris MAAT CIoF, Director, City Business & Accountancy Services Limited & Consultant, Chartered Institute of Fundraising - bio
NanoTalk 2 - Insight into Endowments (12min), by Charles Mesquita, Charities Director, Quilter Cheviot - bio
NanoTalk 3 - Insight into Wealth Management (12min), by Raj Shah, Owner, Blue Wealth Management - bio
NanoTalk 4 - Insight into Impact & Social Investing (12min), by Amy Clarke, Chief Impact Officer, Tribe Impact Capital - bio
NanoTalk 5 - Insight into Philanthropy Advisors (18min), Anthony Donatelli, Executive Director of Philanthropic Services UK, UBS Bank - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers
12:30 - 2pm GMT
Lunch (1hr 30min)
2:00pm - 3:40pm GMT /
9:00am - 10:40am EST
Choose one
NanoWave 1.2 - DEI in Philanthropy
Join this NanoWave to learn from leading academics, fundraising practitioners and globally known activists to help further drive positive change in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in philanthropy. This section will start with an important broad landscape view, and then dive deeply into exceptionally practical insights into actions we can all take right now. The section will end with an inspiring and motivational talk on positive change from real world and moving experience.
Chair - Haseeb Shabbir, Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Business Strategy, The University of Hull - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Diverse Philanthropy - Barriers & Landscape (12min), by Una Osili, Associate Dean for Research and International Programs at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy - bio
NanoTalk 2 - In Practice - Building Inclusive Comms (12min), by Haseeb Shabbir, Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Business Strategy, The University of Hull - bio
NanoTalk 3 - In Practice - Building Inclusive Boards (12min), Elizabeth Oni, Development Director, Inclusive Boards - bio
NanoTalk 4 - In Practice - Building Inclusive Organisations (12min) - Misa Lobato, President of APRA & Director, Prospect Management & Analytics at Rhode Island School of Design - bio
NanoTalk 5 - The Art of Disruption (18min), Magid Magid, Activist & Author of The Art of Disruption - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers
NanoWave 2.2 - New Approaches - ‘The Ask’
In this NanoWave learn how to adapt and grow your philanthropy to current times. Explore how to lead great conversations online with the utmost professionalism, to asking in difficult times using kindness as the guide. Then explore how or even whether your organisation should use influencers, leading to a important look at building relationships in recession. This section will close with a pioneering exploration that encourages us to rethink what we ask for, to change the very fabric of philanthropy itself.
Chair - Ana Ortiz, Associate Director of Philanthropic Resources, MD Anderson Cancer Center - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Great Conversations - Building Online Relationships (12min), by Tess Nixon Spiller, Interim Deputy Director of Fundraising, Teenage Cancer Trust - bio
NanoTalk 2 - Rethinking “The Ask” (12min), by Louise Morris, Founder & Director, Summit Fundraising - bio
NanoTalk 3 - Relationships in Recession (12min) - Mark Carrigan, MD, Carrigan Consulting & Faculty Leader, The Chartered Institute of Fundraising - bio
NanoTalk 4 - Using Influencers (12min), by Jamal Abbas, Director, Cereal Box - bio
NanoTalk 5 - Shaping our Ask - Shifting the Status Quo in Philanthropy (18min), by Manmeet Mehta, Director, Program Operations & Impact, Ashoka - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers
3:40 - 4pm GMT
Refresher Break (20min)
4:00pm - 5:40pm GMT /
11:00am - 12:40pm EST
Choose one
NanoWave 1.3 - Reputation Management
Reputation is probably more important for not for profits than any other organisations in the world. But how much do we really believe we can manage it? How far do does our character actually effect ‘the bottom’? Are we really aware of how corporates may use us to ‘launder their image’ or influence us? Have we ever trained in reputation management? All these questions and much more will be answered by this incredibly global line-up of influential speakers.
Chair - Ana Ortiz, Associate Director of Philanthropic Resources, MD Anderson Cancer Center - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Embodying Trust - Building Values Driven Brands (12min), by Collette Philip, Founder, Brand by Me - bio
NanoTalk 2 - Return on Character - Personal Impact in Not-for-Profits (12min), by Fred Kiel, Founder KRW International & Author of Return on Character - bio
NanoTalk 3 - Image Laundering - Hidden Influence & Corruption (18min), by Ray Fisman, Slater Family Professor in Behavioural Economics, Boston University - bio
NanoTalk 4 - Reputation Management - Protection through Prevention (12min) - Tari Lang, Reputation Management & Leadership Development, The Lang Consultancy - bio
NanoTalk 5 - Perception vs. Reality - Reputation Analytics (12min), by Alex Oftelie, Senior Vice President of Decision Science, BWF - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers
NanoWave 2.3 - Managing Philanthropy in 2021
Managing Philanthropy teams in 2020 and 2021 will probably go down as one of the hardest times to be a philanthropy leader in history. In this NanoWave explore wellbeing in your team, how to use ‘design thinking’ to achieve new levels of collaboration across your institutions, how to build lasting teams in turbulent times, whilst learning to grasp the new opportunities presented in digital engagement and refreshing ourselves about ‘what hasn’t changed’.
Chair - Rachael Magee, Director of Development and Alumni for Exeter School - bio
NanoTalk 1 - Wellbeing & Resilience (12min), by Tesse Akpeki, Founder, Wellbeing & Resilience Initiative - bio
NanoTalk 2 - Design Thinking - Boosting Internal Collaboration (12min), by Melody Song, Senior Consultant, Global Philanthropic and Co-Founder of dogoodhere.org. - bio
NanoTalk 3 - Building Lasting Teams (12min), by Tahsin Alam, Vice President of Advancement Solutions & Talent Management, Rutgers University Foundation - bio
NanoTalk 4 - Embracing a New Era of Online & Digital Engagement (18min), by Jonathan May, CEO, Hubbub - bio
NanoTalk 5 - What Hasn't Changed in Philanthropy? (12min), by Betsy Rigby, Associate Vice President, BWF - bio
ThirdDegree - Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) - All Speakers