FIC 2021
Ideas . Inspiration . Knowledge
Fundraising Intelligence Conference 2021
A New Special 2 Day Conference
by PyroTalks CIC
Day 1 - 25th February 2021 & Day 2 - 4th March 2021
LiveOnline / FusedSector / NanoWave
“For PyroTalks CIC, conferences are about inspiration, new ideas and nuggets of wisdom that take a moment to hear but last a lifetime!
Our format of 6, 12 or 18min per talk - just like TED Talks - lends itself nicely to sharing the essence of someone’s knowledge. With 50+ speakers all presenting in this laser focused way, FIC 2021 is set to be a tidal wave of insights!”
Jason Briggs, Co-Founder, PyroTalks CIC
Why is FIC 2021 Unique?
PyroTalks CIC takes a interdisciplinary approach to its learning and FIC 2021 is no exception. We purposefully host a balance of speakers from ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the fundraising sector, such as Business & Finance, Psychology, PR & Data Science & more, creating a rich learning experience.
For all in ‘Big Philanthropy’
FIC 2021 is for any role and organisation involved in major gift fundraising, with content suited to Prospect Researchers, Analysts and Systems professionals, to Trustees, Directors, and Major Gift Fundraisers across Higher Education, Not-for-Profits & NGOs
FIC 2021 is delivered in our unique NanoWave format - this means that all our talks are grouped into themes (NanoWaves) and each talk is no more than 6, 12 or 18 minutes - just like TED Talks. This creates a high energy, concise & precise conference experience.
FIC 2021
Quick Glance >
Day 1
Research & Data - 25th Feb 2021
Track 1: Research & Due Diligence
NanoWave 1) - New Approaches
NanoWave 2) - Due Diligence
NanoWave 3) - Planning Ahead
Track 2: Systems & Data
NanoWave 1) - Security
NanoWave 2) - Impactful Data
NanoWave 3) - Leading Data Teams
Day 1 Target Audience - Prospect Researchers, Data Analysts, Database, Systems & Process Managers or any data conscious leaders (UK, Europe, US & beyond)
Day 2
Leadership & Major Gifts - 4th Mar 2021
Track 1: Leadership
NanoWave 1) - Gift Acceptance
NanoWave 2) - DEI in Philanthropy
NanoWave 3) - Reputation Management
Track 2: Major Gifts
NanoWave 1) - Giving Insight
NanoWave 2) - New Approaches - ‘The Ask’
NanoWave 3) - Managing Philanthropy in 2021
Day 2 Target Audience - Trustees, Directors, Major Gift Fundraisers, Risk Managers, or any leadership based roles (UK, Europe, US & beyond)
60+ Expert Speakers
Alex Oftelie, Senior Vice President of Decision Science, BWF / Amy Clarke, Chief Impact Officer, Tribe Impact Capital / Andy Schultz, Director of Data Science, BWF / Anthony Donatelli, Executive Director of Philanthropic Services UK, UBS Bank / Betsy Rigby, Associate Vice President, BWF / Charles Mesquita, Charities Director, Quilter Cheviot / Christian Propper, Head of Development - Marketing & Insight, The University of Oxford / Clarissa Lyons, Senior Associate, Bates Wells / Collette Phillip, Founder, Brand by Me / Doug Cogswell, Executive Vice President, Pursuant / Fred Kiel, Founder KRW International & Author of Return on Character / Elizabeth Oni, Development Director, Inclusive Boards / Haseeb Shabbir, Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Business Strategy, The University of Hull / Helen Brown, President, Helen Brown Group / Hersh Shah, SIRM, CEO, India Affiliate of Institute of Risk Management (UK) / Huw Hallam, Senior Insights & Data Officer, The University of Oxford / Isabella Corradini, Director, Themis Research Centre & Author of Building a Cybersecurity Culture in Organizations / Isobel Koshiw, Journalist, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism / Jamal Abbas, Owner, Cereal Box / Jason Boley, Senior Vice President of Systems & Operations, BWF / Jennifer Shimp-Bowerman, Director of Advancement Services, Cambridge University / Jessie Brooks, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Spelman University / John DeJesus, Data Scientist, Sharpest Minds / Jonathan Jeffery, Associate Dean Education, Sheffield Management School, The University of Sheffield / Jonathan May, CEO, Hubbub / Joshua Birkholz, CEO, BWF / Kehide Brown, Head of Artist & Influencers, WWF / Kumar Hindocha, Co-Lead, The Collective Foundation / Lara Kirfel, Experimental Psychology, UCL / Lianne McGrory, Regional Vice President Sales, Salesforce.org EMEA / Louise Morris, Founder & Director, Summit Fundraising / Maeen Shaban, Director of Research & Data Analytics, Wealth-X / Magid Magid, Activist & Author of The Art of Disruption / Manmeet Mehta, Director, Program Operations & Impact, Ashoka / Melody Song, Senior Consultant Global Philanthropic and Co-Founder of dogoodhere.org / Michael Cousins, Chairman & Founder, Triaster / Mirabai Auer, Senior Associate Director of Data Science, The University of Chicago / Misa Lobato, President of APRA & Director, Prospect Management and Analytics at Rhode Island School of Design / Nusserwan Talati, Senior Integrity Specialist, Asian Development Bank / Oliver Taylor, Research Manager, The University of Manchester / Raj Shah, Owner, Blue Wealth Management / Ray Fisman, Slater Family Professor in Behavioural Economics, Boston University / Robert Dufton, CEO, Moorfields Eye Charity / Rodger Devine, Associate Dean of External Affairs for Strategy and Innovation, University of Southern California / Rowena Humby, CEO, Starcount / Sacha Tremain, Prospect Researcher, London Air Ambulance / Scott Berinato, Senior Editor, Harvard Business Review & Author of Good Charts / Sharath Jeevan, Founder & Executive Chairman, Intrinsic Labs / Shayoni Lynn, Founder, & Principal Consultant, Lynn PR / Tahsin Alam, Vice President of Advancement Solutions & Talent Management, Rutgers University Foundation, The Lang Consultancy / Tariq Khwaja, Public Relations Consultant, TK Associates / Tess Nixon Spiller, Interim Deputy Director of Fundraising, Teenage Cancer Trust / Tesse Akpeki, Founder, Wellbeing & Resilience Initiative / Toby Savin, Research Manager, The University of Leeds / Tony Duggan, Research Manager, The University of Cambridge / Uday Korlimarla, Founder, Inspektre / Una Osili, Associate Dean for Research and International Programs at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy / Yashraj Jain, Director, The Research Concierge
What do people say about PyroTalks events?
“This was probably the most efficient and informative 'burst' of insights backed up by both data and analytical 'wise owls' of the sector I've experienced.”
— Research Manager, The University of Cambridge
“PyroTalks sessions are a wonderful resource for our sector - inclusive and full of great insights.”
— Philanthropy Lead, Macmillan Cancer Support
“PyroTalks has filled a great gap in the sector, giving teams up-to-date knowledge at a fantastic rate. Highly recommended!"
— Director of Development, London South Bank University
"One of the best training sessions I've ever attended.”
— Development Officer, Wadham College, University of Oxford
“Absolutely spot on. Such a refreshing change to the usual conferences, I'm very much looking forward to the next ones.”
— Prospect Researcher, The Brain Tumour Charity
“PyroTalks is doing something genuinely transformational for the sector”
— Development Research Manager, The University of Manchester
“As an online event this was leagues apart from anything I’ve attended previously.”
— Corporate Partnerships Manager, Support Dogs